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With S3Crypt a user does not need to remember 17 different and complex passwords, but only needs to remember two pieces of information. With those two pieces of information S3Crypt creates VERY secure and unique passwords. The two pieces of information you need are very easy to remember.

Master Key
Choose anything you want as long as it is known only to you, and remember your Master Key is always the same for every website!!

Note: Master Key is case sensitive (upper case and lower case produce different results).

Unique Key
Choose any format that can be repeated for all your websites, and remember your Unique Key changes for each website!!

Note: Unique Key is case sensitive (upper case and lower case produce different results).

Now that you have created a Master Key and a Unique Key format you are now ready to use the Keys to create extremely secure passwords for each website. Once a password is generated, copy it to the clipboard and paste it in the password box on whatever website it was generated for. There is no need to memorize several passwords. You only need to remember your Master Key and your Unique Key format. Web passwords can always be recreated with the same Master Key and Unique Key pair.